When to move to big bed
For some children, the move from cot to bed can be a difficult one. While some children will adjust easily to the change, others will not.
First of all, it’s important to know that there is no set time for you to get rid of your child’s cot and put him in a bed. Most children will make the move some time between the ages of 18 months and three and a half, but there is no right or wrong time to make the move.
How well your child adjusts to moving to a bed will basically depend on his nature and temperament. Firstborns are more likely to resist, while younger siblings are likely to find the change easier as they often want to be just like their older siblings and a cot may reinforce the idea that they are still the ‘baby of the house.
Most parents decide to make the change when they feel that their child has outgrown the cot – especially if they have learnt to climb out. It’s also a good reason to have your child out of the cot if you’re trying to potty train him. Sleeping in a bed will mean he can get up in the night to go to the toilet, rather than being trapped by the cot bars.
To make the transition easier:
• put the bed in the same position as the cot
• allow your child to continue to sleep with cot blanket
• ask your child to accompany you to choose his new bed
• buy a nightlight to make the room feel less scary
• leave the door ajar so that your child knows that you are there
Your child may initially struggle against being in his own room. If he does climb out of bed at night:
• immediately help him back to bed
• remind him that ‘it’s time to go to bed – see you in the morning’ and leave the room
• repeat this process until he stays in bed
• if he becomes distressed, a quiet cuddle may help
As with most new procedures with kids, there’s no right or wrong way to do things. If, after a period of time, your child has still not settled and seems distressed by this new development in his life, then accept that the switch from cot to bed has simply been made a little prematurely. Bring the cot back into his room, but make sure that you convey the switch to a bed as another exciting change in their life. Your child will find his own way of dealing with this change in his own time.