Give It A GoTrial Scheme
A few weeks ago we asked how to help more people try cloth nappies. It was very clear from all the responces that we got that people wanted to find a scheme that offered a birth to potty nappy for a trial price. We listened to what you had to say and we are delighted to announce our new Give It A Go Trial Scheme. Get £10 off a bumGenius onesize V.4 or the bumGenius organic nappy.
First fill in this application form, you will then need to send a scanned copy (or clear, legible digital photograph) of your MATB1 form or Birth Certificate and proof of address to us at email
Child must be younger that 1 year.
Once we have confirmed these, a coupon will be emailed for you to receive £10 off your online purchase. this will be sent to as soon as possible but depending on how inundated we are it may take a few days once it has been verified.
Only ONE nappy per family can be claimed and if you have already had a free nappies from any of our other schemes including; Bounty and Mother and Baby magazine free give aways you will not be eligible for this trial. Those of you however who have only won a free nappy from us will be eligible.
Any suspected fraudulent claims will not be honoured. Baba Me's decision is final.
Please note that this offer is only open to residents of the UK and ROI and this is a trial scheme which may be withdraw at any time without notice.