AH, here we are 11 days to Christmas, just passed the 12 days and I felt it was about time to get into the festive spirit, which depending on your household can feel like the last thing you want to do! Sometimes I wonder as a mum is it just me or do all mum's feel more like the Grinch than one of Santa's little elves sometimes? The womanly art of Christmas... humf with two weeks of kids off school in early December and festivities high-jacked with bad snow and a run of household catastrophes you can feel like burying your head under the duvet and not peeping your head out until early January in the hope that the Angel at the top of the tree has imbibed everyone with good will and cheer to last the year. Maybe, just maybe, Father Christmas has done his toy duties and filled your stocking full of spritz, well enough to power boost you, your radiant little people and your "better" half into the following year!
It just struck me in the last few days about the real meaning of Christmas, I know everyone rabbits on about it time and again but it is so easy to get completely caught up in the hustle and bustle of the surface Christmas and not really think about the history and depth until you hit midnight mass on the 24th. My 6 year old son Milo absolutely loves writing his Christmas cards every year, we made a point of starting them early this year and with this we just started talking about the year that has passed, people that are important in our lives and how special they feel when they get a card from us. Almost 150 years have passed since the very first Christmas card was sent by Sir Henry Cole, a publisher and innovator who founded London's Victoria & Albert museum. Cards of course are just one of the symbols of Christmas, when we ventured into the realm of the decorations and our Christmas tree myself, my other half and the kids really get the zing going, I think a Christmas really starts when you get that beautiful aroma of pine needles spinning around your living room!
In times gone by the tradition of the tree was to put it up, leave it for a day or two and "reflect" upon it's meaning. Putting the decorations on was a slow burn process, each ornament carefully considered to show forth your faith and added to the tree throughout the season. The only reflection that carried on with us this year was an argument between a 3 and a 6 year old on what colour lights to put on!
I'm starting to like the idea of researching this years Christmas and symbols and meanings, it's like having another avenue where I can take a deep calming breath, take Christmas it in my stride, not worry, and think about the simple things we do to create and loving, homely feeling where we can share the spirit of symbols with loved ones. I will be hitting home my ten days run up to Christmas with a symbol a day, you can check out our blog here and updates on our Facebook page of our Christmas spirit!
Caoimhe x
In times gone by the tradition of the tree was to put it up, leave it for a day or two and "reflect" upon it's meaning. Putting the decorations on was a slow burn process, each ornament carefully considered to show forth your faith and added to the tree throughout the season. The only reflection that carried on with us this year was an argument between a 3 and a 6 year old on what colour lights to put on!
I'm starting to like the idea of researching this years Christmas and symbols and meanings, it's like having another avenue where I can take a deep calming breath, take Christmas it in my stride, not worry, and think about the simple things we do to create and loving, homely feeling where we can share the spirit of symbols with loved ones. I will be hitting home my ten days run up to Christmas with a symbol a day, you can check out our blog here and updates on our Facebook page of our Christmas spirit!
Caoimhe x
Merry Christmas!
p.s can't wait for the lovely wooden toys from Babame - am expecting them any day now...girls will be delighted.