Tipu Trunki tames tears!
Picture the scene:
You, your husband, and your four kids are eating lunch in a jammed packed restaurant in Birmingham airport. You are secretely satisfied that feeding the kids now (not to mention your husband) will make your homeward journey linger that little bit less and give them all one thing less to complain about.
So far so good - no food fights and the sandwiches are going down a treat - UNTIL a panicked voice over the tannoy tells you that everyone must evacuate the airport due to a bomb scare threat.
Next thing you know you are trying to juggle between your half eaten sandwich, drink, suitcase and handbag whilst getting everyone else in gear to relocate outside where it's absolutely freezing!
Then it hits you...
How on earth am I going to keep the kids entertained, outside, in a massive crowd, in sub-zero temperatures?
How on earth am I going to keep the kids entertained, outside, in a massive crowd, in sub-zero temperatures?
Doing exactly what it claims (although we never doubted it), Trunki really did wave goodbye to travelling tears and tantrums. Her two angels were happily entertained for the entire evacuation time. The most popular game of the day seemed to be Trunki races which went down a treat and had all the other kids looking on in envy.
Make your kids the envy of all others by getting them their very own Trunki now. With such a large cast to choose from, everyone has their Trunki favourite! Because they are so compact (hand luggage approved) yet roomy enough to fit all travel essentials and complete with teddy bear seatbelts, Trunki is the ideal solution for any trip - even if you're just poping out to see Granny for the day!
Love, The Baba Me Team x