Getting prepared for your new arrival

Every pregnancy, particularly the first one, is a mystery; an event that is shrouded in hope and uncertainty. Women who are pregnant for the first time worry about everything: the labour, the delivery, being a good mother, feeding baby the correct foods…..the list is endless.

It is vitally important that you prepare yourself both mentally and emotionally for life with your new baby. Accept that this new little person will completely change your life – for the better! – and will place demands on you that you will never have experienced before.

The myth that pregnant women feel constantly happy is simply that: a myth. While pregnancy is certainly a time of joy and happiness, it’s also a time when negative feelings can well up, so it’s very important that you express your emotions with someone you trust. You may experience pain, frustration, loneliness or anger. Indeed, you’ll be amazed at the number – and range of - emotions that you’ll go through.

It’s important to remember that pregnancy not only signifies a huge change in your life, but it also exposes you to emotional aspects of yourself that may have been hidden – consciously or unconsciously – since your own childhood. These can often be difficult to confront so, if you find that this is happening to you, speak to your GP or midwife. They’ll be happy to talk to you.

During pregnancy your sense of who you are simply packs up and leaves for quite some time. Remind yourself of who you are. Write down what defines you as a person, paying particular importance on your positive points. List your interests, accomplishments, achievements. Then, when your baby arrives and you feel your identity slipping away, simply read what you’ve written and bring yourself back onto the right track.

Although you cannot control everything about your pregnancy, you can put some steps in place to make you feel more in control of what is happening to you. There’s nothing worse than not understanding something that’s happening to you, or worrying about what lies ahead, so make sure that you inform yourself as best you can. You don’t need to become a pregnancy expert, but it helps to have some awareness of what lies ahead. Forewarned, as they say, is forearmed!

Above all: during these nine months, remember to look beyond pregnancy and to the future. A future with a whole new little life!


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